Founded by Jens Grede, Erik Torstensson, Josh Levine & Nico Peyrache, four friends residing in London and California, the idea of frame was simple, to create chic fashion essentials.

They wanted to create the perfect pair of jeans, by bringing together the quality and heritage of denim manufacturing in Los Angeles, with the influence of a London style, cut and fit.

Since its inception with its debut jean, the ‘Le Skinny’, Frame has expanded into a full ready to wear brand embodying the founders’ restrained aesthetic ideal and relentless search to achieve effortless perfection.

Bahama Shop

What makes the fashion world go round? Bahama Shop believes that the beauty of the world comes through you. The art of dressing has never been more important than now.

Confident, Modern, Real.


Open Daily 10am - 5pm


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